
T -1 Morning


  1. Jean C

    The happiness, joy, contentment, and sense of PEACE I’m feeling today (Day 13 AF) is far too precious to medicate! Not a single craving! This IS the feeling that has eluded me for too long! So glad to be here! Thank you 💖

  2. Meredith

    Hi Kevin, well I am thrilled to tell you that I have had 8 AF days and number 9 today. I feel so great – my sleep has improved, I feel like I’m really getting a handle on how to break this habit. So much of what you have said in the videos of the past 14 days have really hit home. I look forward to the morning and evening coaching which is keeping me on track. Having a plan is incredibly important and working well. At the first sign of discomfort I get busy with my plan for the day, read and state my affirmations (in a loud voice!) and and remind myself how poisonous alcohol is and the consequences. I’m so ready to say goodbye forever to the old me and meet the new me. I really feel like my mind has done a full flip and i’m finally seeing alcohol for what it is, and it’s NOT my friend. I’m excited about life again now the guilt/shame/regret/ hangover cycle has stopped. Kevin after feeling hopeless for so long, your program is making the difference, so thanks for all that you are doing! You are an inspiration. Looking forward to tomorrow and the road ahead to a new improved version of me.

    • Kevin O'Hara

      I’m so happy for you Meredith. That’s the mental shift we have to take, moving forwards instead of back. Well done 🙂

    • Jean C

      Ditto to everything you said Meredith! Glad to be sharing this journey with you!🙏

  3. Stuart R

    So I have completed the preparation as best as I could do with a hectic life. I think that I need to spend more time in the forums to gain some more encouragement because I have no-one at home to give me any. it is very much a “its so simple, stop it or else” attitude. this I imagine is easy from someone who does not understand, nor have suffered, addiction. Just writing this post I am finding it it rather cathartic. my fear comes with my cravings. I don’t really fully understand my triggers. I can be at work or at the gym, anywhere having a good day and having convinced myself that I am not going to drive today then all of a sudden !POP! thought comes into my head that I am going to drink. Despite being sane and rational and understanding the harm it has been doing to everything in my life for nigh on twenty years I submit. This, I really cannot get my head around why it happens. I am not a social drinker, I don’t go to pubs or bars etc, I am a hide away alone drinker. So that’s a bit where I am but am going over all my notes and documentation today for a new life tomorrow. Thoughts anyone ?

    • Timothy K

      I can totally relate to where you’re coming from Suart. I’ve been there thousands of times I wake up with the best of intentions and at the end of the workday it hits me and I usually end up drinking. Don’t give up even if you fail and give in. I am 16 days AF and feeling pretty good about it. Only one day with a real craving where I thought I would cave in, and some other minor days. I’m also a stay at home drinker.

      I’m not really afraid of my cravings and thoughts anymore. I have made real attempts to quit at least a dozen times now so I know what to expect. I know the thoughts and cravings that will inevitably come, I just need to work on my response.

      I hope this helps and that you are still hanging in there!

    • Jean C

      Stuart I was also a closet drinker. I liken it to the cycle of domestic abuse…. but, I was the abuser and the victim. The cycle/pattern/habit is difficult to break because it has become our brains default setting! We start to romanticize the abuser and the next thing we know we’re pouring poison down our throats AGAIN! It has helped me tremendously to call the abuser out for what it is EVERY time I think of it! It’s a poisonous neurotoxin that wants to kill me! That is what has helped me not return to the vicious/deadly cycle of abuse this time❤️

  4. Stuart R

    Last day if prep. Anyone want to share the journey as a road trip buddy ?

  5. jason l

    Great prep session and I am ready to move into day 1. One thing for me, I did not know that fear was my biggest trigger for drinking. Fear of not drinking and never realizing what that would look like. But the more I focus on the fear and understand that is not that big, I can overcome it. Thank you,,

  6. Amy K

    Hi Kevin. Huge thanks for all of the terrific content and inspiration you have provided to me. I am incredibly happy to have enjoyed 17 AF days as of today, T-1. I have already felt significant shifts and improvements in my life as a result of your program and my decision to live AF. Looking forward to a great 2020!

    • Kevin O'Hara

      Good for you Amy. Onwards and Upwards to bigger and better things 🙂

      • Linda montoya

        last day of preping im ready to beging day 1 to day 30 my goal is to shed that old nature behind and become a better verion of my self a new mee omg! start with morning work out Exercise.. my arm hurts alot at times getting a well check today from my Dr. Work on getting healthy&muscle mass feeling excited and motivated

  7. Kevin O'Hara

    No problem Annie. How is your journey going so far? You sound like you are pumped for it. And yes, this is a decision and a day that you will look back on for the rest of your life. 🙂

  8. Annie D

    I love your excitement ,Kevin..that smile and knowing of what is possible for anyone starting Day 1, tomorrow.I feel so much better and I have only been on this new path since Oct 6th…so may aspects of my life have improved.It truly is extraordinary. I wish anyone who starts tomorrow fhe same. You won’t regret it

  9. Deirdre N

    Hi Kevin is there any other way other than email that I can get the video I’m on day 16 and I’m finding it hard to get as my email is playing up

      • Fran

        Hi Kevin,

        I completely understand where Stuart is coming from. I am also on my own. Have tried AA and it doesn’t work for me. Have been struggling with this for years.

        My mantra for right now is to just not put the alcohol into my mouth whatever happens. I have to remind myself that it is poison, and to not believe the thoughts that pop into my head, saying just today.

        I‘m ready for the next phase.


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