
T-3 Evening


  1. Jean C

    Thank you Kevin for another inspirational video! So grateful for you and those sharing my journey today! ❤️💜💖❤️💜💖❤️💜💖🙏

  2. Philippa R

    Ok. My soft goal is to drink more water. A glass first thing in the morning and then regularly throughout the day. One goal at a time. I am stronger than my cravings.

  3. Julie C

    We are leaving beautiful Spain on Saturday for Wisconsin. I hope I can follow through and kickstart this new life at home.

  4. Glynis E

    Great video getting closer to the date and i am feeling more antsy and unsure of myself. I know alcohol fuels the fire as you say I just want this to be the time. Being retired now my “goals” are much different than younger people with careers. I can and I will ! Thank you


    Soooo motivating! Another vid I’ll be watching again and again!

  6. Lisa C

    I’ve been kinda freaking out these past couple of days as I near the start of an alcoholic free life. I’ve tried numerous times to quit, and a voice in my head asks me what makes me think this time will be any different.
    It has to be different. And I’m putting pressure on myself to make this time be the real change.
    Analogies really register with me. Your analogy of spraying my precious garden with poison is amazing! It made me smile at the absurdity of it. Just like continuing to drink is completely absurd! Thank you Kevin.

    • Kevin O'Hara

      You are on the right track Lisa. One of the hardest parts of this journey is to make the decision to get going and then get started. I can help you with most of what comes next, but I can’t force you to start. Well done 🙂

  7. Dennis P

    Great advice and wisdom Kevin, thank you!

    Ive found myself strong most of the time, but there are still some fleeting moments when an old thought of a drink appears in my mind and in that moment I have to overcome it or slip back into devastation of the poison that alcohol is.

    Your advice recognizing that the craving is temporary and it will go away as long as I don’t drink, power in the moment to decide is mine and mine alone, and then reminding myself of the litany of destruction alcohol has caused have given me the strength so far. Im grateful for the knowledge you’ve given me to deal with this. Its the first time ever.

    Thank you Kevin and this community!

    • Kevin O'Hara

      Don’t worry too much about the thoughts of alcohol. They will come and go throughout the early stages especially. As long as you don’t act, you are good to go. You’re doing great!

  8. Annie D

    Hear ,hear! Couldn’t have said it better myself,John. Kevin is the voice of reason.He just makes sense!

  9. Suzanne D

    You’re helping me to get another 24 hours sober

  10. John D

    Thanks for another inspiring video. I’ve looked at other alcohol programs and mostly I can’t relate to them. Your videos really hit home for me and I appreciate the many hours you have put into them. Keep up the great work!


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